Thursday, April 9, 2020

25% OFF Right Now on All Whole House Water Filters and Purified Drinking Water Systems

The virus crisis is very frightening.  Anything you can do to make you feel comfortable and safe while you stay indoors is important.

Clean clear water out of the tap is now more critical than ever.  We don't know if at some point bottled water will be hard to get.  That is why if you have the money to spend, put it into the best custom whole house water filter system you can get.

Why a custom system from my company Pure Elements Water?  Because we design each one to match the contaminants and chemicals that are present in your local water.  Tap water say in Newport Beach, CA, has more chloramines.  Those are not only bad to drink but they cause pinhole leaks.  So different media is used to deal with that.  Meanwhile, in Palm Springs they have problems with naturally occurring arsenic in their tap water.  My company uses different media to solve that problem.

That's why when you buy a filter off Amazon or someplace else online, they aren't effective.  Sure they'll clean your water on a basic level for about 3 months but then they are done.  Worthless.  Why buy one?

There is more that goes into this than just getting anything.  If you do that, you are flushing money down the drain.  Don't do that.  Call Us and get a great deal today on a custom water filter that really works well for years to come.

And check out some of these benefits below.  You won't get these from generic water filter from Costco. 

Taste the difference — No need to buy bottled water. Each faucet delivers healthy, crystal clear, chemical free water that tastes great.
Feeling is believing — No more bathing in harmful carcinogens and drying agents. Hair and skin are heathier, and soap rinses off squeaky clean.
Breath freely — Eliminate carcinogenic gaseous chemicals present when bathing or washing in ordinary tap water.
Feel Healthy — Enjoy a healthier home living environment and bathing experience without waterborne gaseous chemicals.
Hard and fast — Reduces hard water buildup and damage to your fixtures, plumbing, water heaters, and appliances without salt.
Be leak free — Eliminate the risk of pinhole leaks in copper pipes by addressing chloramines and hard water minerals that cause them.
Environmental choice — Bottled water requires a large carbon footprint. 40 billion plastic bottles end up in landfills annually. Salt from softeners damages the ecosystem.
Economical value — You’ll save a lot of money by eliminating bottled water, reducing soap and detergent usage, while avoiding costly repairs.
Extremely low maintenance — There are no regular, costly filters to fuss with and change every few months. Set it and forget it for 3-4 years.
Pipe down — Increase the life of your plumbing, fixtures, appliances and water heater. Prevent pinhole leaks in copper pipes.
Take a swim — Our Total Property System benefits swimming pools, water features, and spas by reducing buildup on surfaces while protecting heaters and pumps.
Are you hungry? — Food tastes better and is more healthy when chemical free, high quality water is an ingredient.
Grow with us — Gardens thrive and are more vibrant with chemical-free water, requiring less watering and fertilizing.
Not soapy — Use less laundry and dishwashing detergent as well as soap because filtered, conditioned water cleans more efficiently.

And more benefits:

Tons of installation photos in Orange County, Los Angeles County, Coachella Valley:

Many informative videos explaining what we do are here:

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