Friday, June 19, 2020

What Is Hard Water?

Pretty good video here about how hard water is formed and what it does. The company that made the video prefers water softeners to water conditioners. We totally disagree. Softeners are problematic due to the salt. While they down play this aspect in the video, it is truly a problem.

Some good information on hard water but we disagree with his take on the use of water softeners. A water conditioner is a more modern solution and not problematic like a softener can be.

What we really like about the video is when they talk about how damaging hard water can be. They do not mention that hard water is also a BIG contributor to pinhole leaks in copper pipes. Hard water and chloramines create the leaks so you must remove both.

Check out the video though. It is worth the watch. Just don’t be fooled by the water softener talk. If you have questions about the differences between water softeners you can call us. We talk about this stuff all day long.

Or you can go here:

Also, we are still offering 25% OFF on our water filter products.

The post What Is Hard Water? appeared first on Custom Pinhole Prevention Water Filters.

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